Finance Committee / Finanzas

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CNCA operates on an annual budget of about $160,000 and is predominantly supported by contributions from the more than 1,900 northern California AA groups we serve. Our “primary purpose” is to carry the message of hope and recovery to alcoholics throughout our area and beyond. To that end, the Area operating funds are used to maintain continuous contact and communication with our Districts and the dedicated individuals who serve as District and Group Representatives.
The Finance Committee is responsible for supporting the duties of our Treasurer and for creating our annual budget. For that reason we gather information regarding the anticipated financial needs of each of our Standing and Sub-Committees, the principal entities responsible for keeping CNCA running smoothly.
We support the activities of our Public Information/Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee, which is directly responsible for disseminating AA’s message through presentations, event participation and public service announcements. This committee also provides information about AA to the wider community of educators, health care professionals, legal and corrections professionals, the clergy and industry.
Funds are used to support Bridging the Gap which provides crucial contact directly with AA to those individuals who are exiting treatment facilities and other institutions.
We support the CNCA Website Committee, and our Technology Committee, which maintains an on-line presence for hybrid participation for all Area meetings and Assemblies; we actively support efforts to continually improve Accessibility for all who wish to participate in General Service. Assuring clear communication between our English and Spanish speaking members, the Interpretation and Translation Committee provides active language services for every CNCA function and event.
CNCA funds four Area Assemblies each year. These assemblies provide a direct opportunity for any AA member and every General Service Representative to participate in the process of communication with our Area and Alcoholics Anonymous throughout North America.
Careful and thorough record keeping is essential to the progress of CNCA. We provide support for our Archives Committee which maintains current and historical documentation of all the business and recovery activity functions of CNCA.
We also enthusiastically fund the activities of our Area Delegate, our direct voice to the General Service Conference during the year.
The CNCA Finance Committee holds a closed meeting the morning before the Area Committee Meeting begins.